ability, 128
abundance, 25
academia, 81
Accenture plc, 245
access, 126
action figures, 90
Adobe Systems Incorporated, 300
air conditioners, 227
Ai Weiwei, 17
alerts, 80
Alfa-Bank, 271
All Things Hair YouTube channel, 139
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, 83, 129, Inc., x, 128, 318
anonymous reporting app, 163
anti-Putin beer, 167
Apple App Store, 318
Apple Inc., 17, 61, 63, 83, 126, 318
Arad, Avi, 94
Area 18, 235
Arinc, Bülent, 127
arranged marriages, 133
art installation pop-up, 159
assets, 22
athletic brands, 237
Auber metro station, 275
Audi A8, 20
Audi AG, 182
Audi Unite, 182
Aviva plc, 301
B2C industries, 124
Banco do Brasil, 133
bank accounts, 271
Barclays, 313
basic needs
emerging expectations and, 56
future vision, 62
guilt-free consumption, 208–209
industry, 164
locality and, 160
pop-ups, 157
safety net trend, 161
beards, 83
beauty industry, 165
beekeeping, 29
Beldent Random Music Fest, 299
Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc., 54
betterment, 102
BGH, 227
Bieber, Justin, 129
Big Bang Disruption adoption curve, 150
Big Bang Disruption (Downes & Nunes), 150
Birchbox, 16
Black Friday ...
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