5.13. UWB Market Players

Although UWB has a broad range of applications and potential markets, the lengthy standardization process and the uncertainty over a final IEEE standard for UWB PHY have delayed the development of UWB-based devices. For this reason, only a relatively small number of companies are actively developing UWB systems at the time of writing. Table 5-4 lists some of the UWB market leaders and identifies their target markets.

Table 5-4. Key players in the UWB market
CompanyTarget MarketLocation
Aether Wire & LocationLocalizerSunnyvale, California
Blue7 CommunicationsHome entertainment, WLANMilpitas, California
Freescale Semiconductor (Motorola)Wireless digital videoAustin, Texas
FuraxaUWB pulsers, samplersOrinda, ...

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