


Account executives (AEs), 64

Acquirer strategic shift, 156157

Acquisitions, 5859, 155159

acquirer strategic shift, 156157

due-diligence issues, 159

expectation mismatch, 157158

hiring employees, 158159

lack of chemistry, 158

lack of competitive bidding situation, 158

lack of relationship, 156

networking, 155156

selling, 155

Admiral Greer, 142

AdWords, 80

AEs. See Account executives

Airbnb, 96

Amazon, 4, 18, 49, 61, 65, 66, 72, 75, 78, 102

Android, 9, 23, 82, 128

Angel investment, 104

Angel investors, 103, 104, 107, 108, 116, 122, 136

Anti-spam products, 22

APIs. See Application programming interfaces

Apple, 4, 9,

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