Acquisitions, 52, 59, 60, 82–84, 97, 98. See also Mergers and acquisitions

Action logics, 135

Action plan, formulating an, 174–178

Action planning phase, 174

Administrative costs, 53

Advanced consultant(s). See also specific topics

beginner vs., 19–23

fees, 207–209

reading the room for clues, 67

role of, 147, 148

understanding, 234

who they need to be, 16–17

the world of the, 69

Advanced consulting. See also specific topics

characteristics, 144

determining the direction of the work, 145–151

how the work is done, 239–241

learning how to do, 23

nature of, 13

Advanced consulting engagements, types of, 15f

Advanced consulting principles, 152

Be an advocate, 160–162

Be the first to call the question, 156–157

Do the right work, 154

Exceed expectations, ...

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