Format of a JWT

A JWT is broken into three different parts, which are encoded as Base64-URL. Like standard Base64, Base64-URL substitutes characters such as + and / for - and \_ and removes all the padding. This allows the token to be safely transferred in a URL.

The result is a token that looks like the following example:

eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NMZXZlbCI6InVzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE4MDc3MDEyNDYsInVzZXJJRCI6ImFiY3NkMjMyamZqZiJ9.iQxUbQuEy4Jh4oTkkz0OPGvS86xOWJjdzxHHDBeAolv0982pXKPBMWskSJDF3F8zd8a8nMIlQ5m9tzePoJWe_E5B9PRJEvYAUuSp6bGm7-IQEum8EzHq2tMvYtPl9uzXgOU4C_pIjZh5CjFUeZLk5tWKwOOo8pW4NUSxsV2ZRQ_CGfIrBqEQgKRodeLTcQ4wJkLBILBzmAqTVl-5sLgBEoZ76C_gcvS6l5HAwEAhmiCqtDMX46o8pA72Oa6NiVRsgxrhrKX9rDUBdJAxNwFAwCjTv6su0jTZvkYD80Li9aXiMuM9NX7q5gncbEhfko_byTYryLsmmaUSXNBlnvC_nQ ...

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