academic credentials, 162–65

accents, 93–95, 154

accessories, 154–57

advice, asking for, 126

affection, 145

aggression, 47

Albert, Stuart, 105

anger, 64–66

anticipation effect, 2, 27–53

anxiety, 32–37

apologies, 63

appearances, 5, 132–145

arguments, 73

Armstrong, J. Scott, 100

Aron, Art, 41

arrogance, 40

Asch, Solomon, 68

assessment: of competence, 1–3, 10–11, 13–15, 30–31, 135, 185–88

and confirmation bias, 38–40

of intelligence, 187–88

association, power of, 2, 55–57

asymmetry, 137

AT&T, 11, 55

athletes, 46, 80

attire, 154–57, 158

attractiveness, 132–145

benefits of, 143–44

of body, 141–43

changing standards of, 140

of face, 135–141

factors of, 5, 135–143

and halo effect, 56, 145–47

and intelligence, 144–45

power of, 2, 133–35

authenticity, ...

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