1Load Line Analysis and Fourier Series

1.1 Load Line Analysis

The v-i characteristic of a nonlinear resistor such as a diode or a transistor is often described by a curve on the v-i plane rather than by a mathematical relation. The v-i characteristic curve can be obtained by using a curve tracer for nonlinear resistors. To analyze circuits containing a nonlinear resistor, we should use the load line analysis. To grasp the concept of the load line, consider the graphical analysis of the circuit in Figure 1.1(a), which consists of a linear resistor R1, a nonlinear resistor R2, a DC voltage source Vs, and an AC voltage source of small amplitude vδ ≪ Vs. Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) can be applied around the mesh to yield the mesh equation as

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 1.1 Graphical analysis of a linear/nonlinear resistor circuit.

where the v-i relationship of R2 is denoted by v2(i) and represented by the characteristic curve in ...

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