Subject Index


Accelerated-depreciation method, 418, 435

Account(s). See also specific accounts

chart of, 6263, 76

defined, 76

and recording process, 5257

separate, 220

Accounting, 231. See also specific headings

assumptions in, 910

careers in, 11, 2931

defined, 28

ethics in, 67

purpose of, 45

standards for, 8

terminology, 2829

users of accounting data, 56

Accounting cycle, 156183

adjusting entries in, 159161

closing entries in, 164168

completion of, 206207, 224226

correcting entries in, 171173

and equity, 178

financial statements in, 161163

illustration of, 170171

post-closing trial balance in, 168170

reversing entries in, 171, 183185

standards in, 206207

statements of financial position in, 173180

terminology, 183

worksheets in, 158163

Accounting principle, 708, 713, 733

Accounting reports, 4

Accounts payable:

decrease in, 653

increase in, 633, 646

as liabilities, 12

in merchandising operations, 215

payment of, 19

Accounts Payable account, 633, 653, G2

Accounts payable subsidiary ledgers, G1, G19

Accounts receivable, 370379

in accrual accounting process, 632

decreases in, 632633, 645, 647

defined, 368, 388

disposing of, 376379

in merchandising operations, 219222

recognition of, 369

valuation of, 370376

Accounts Receivable account, 632633, G1, G3, G5

Accounts receivable subsidiary ledgers, G1, G19

Accounts receivable turnover ratio, 385, 388, 697698, 712

Account titles, 5859


adjusting entries for, 100102, 109114

defined, 122

of interest ...

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