
Abelson, Robert, xii, 4, 20, 50, 56, 68, 85, 103, 109, 194, 200, 209, 221

adopted goals, 130, 134

affect, 95–97, 104

agent/client relationship, 102

Akaka, Daniel, 276

Albers Foundation, xiv

Allen, James, 74

Allison, Graham, 199

Anderson, John, 167

Anderson, Richard, 92

attention, 87–89, 104

attitudes, 116–121

AuCoin, Les, 276

bad, 82

bad attitude, 120

Barnard, Druie Douglas, 173, 277

Barone, Michael, 129

Bayes theorem, 196

Beethoven, 6

Bennett, Charles Edward, 277

Bernoulli, Daniel, 200

bill, 23, 26–27

abortion, 165

AIDS federal policy, 267

anti-apartheid, 268

automotive products, 153, 155

balanced budget, 151, 268

capital gains reduction, 269

child care, 128, 159, 269

death penalty for drug dealers, 162

flag burning constitutional amendment, ...

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