Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis in Mammography
Mehul P. Sampat, Mia K. Markey and Alan C. Bovik, The University of Texas at Austin
1 Introduction 1195
2 Computer-Aided Detection of Mammographic Abnormalities 1197
2.1 Detection of Masses
2.2 Detection of Calcifications
2.3 Conclusion
3 Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Abnormalities 1206
3.1 Diagnosis of Masses
3.2 Diagnosis of Calcifications
3.3 Conclusion
4 Commercial Computer-Aided Detection Systems 1210
4.1 R2 Technology, Inc.
4.2 Intelligent Systems Software, Inc.
4.3 CADx Medical Systems
4.4 Independent Studies of Commercial Computer-Aided Detection Systems
5 Recent Advances and Future Directions in Breast Cancer Computer-Aided Detection/Computer-Aided Diagnosis ...
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