

acceleratePlayerWithX method, 456

acceleration.x parameter, 91

Achievements, Game Kit programming

authenticateWithCompletionHandler, 390

GameKitHelper class, 387

GameKitHelper showAchievements method, 387

getAchievementByID method, 391

loadAchievements method, 390391

NSMutableDictionary, 391

onScoresReceived method, 387

percentComplete property, 389

PlayedForTenSeconds achievement, 389

progress determination, 389

progress reporting, 389

resetAchievements method, 391

view, 388

addRandomSpriteAt method, 311

addSomeCocoaTouch method, 406, 408, 414, 419, 422

addSomeJoinedBodies method, 311

addSpriteFramesWithFile, 164

addSubview method, ...

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