Documentation with PlatyPS

If you want to seamlessly integrate documentation into your code, the PowerShell module PlatyPS might be helpful. We will revisit it when we create our own module release pipeline. PlatyPS allows you to create markdown-based help for your code as well as the generic about topics:

# The PlatyPS module makes generating help a breezeSet-Location .\Ch10Install-Module PlatyPS -Force -Scope CurrentUser# If you want, review the module code firstGet-Content .\VoiceCommands\VoiceCommands.psd1Get-Content .\VoiceCommands\VoiceCommands.psm1# For an existing module, generate help# WithModulePage generates an additional landing pageImport-Module .\VoiceCommands$param = @{    Module = 'VoiceCommands'    WithModulePage = $true OutputFolder ...

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