Manager's Guide to Employee Engagement

Book description


Successful managers understand that their job is to help employees do their best work, not simply give orders. The Manager's Guide to Employee Engagement shows leaders at all levels how to build relationships that support collaboration and drive meaningful performance improvement. Learn how to:

  • Foster loyalty, trust, and commitment in all your employees
  • Create a culture of positive thinking
  • Empower employees to act as internal entrepreneurs
  • Align employee and organizational values and goals
  • Become "the best boss ever"--without losing sight of business goals

Learn how to make your employees engaged and successful--and facilitate your own success at the same time.

Briefcase Books, written specifically for today's busy manager, feature eye-catching icons, checklists, and sidebars to guide managers step-by-step through everyday workplace situations. Look for these innovative design features to help you navigate through each page:

  • Clear definitions of key terms and concepts
  • Tactics and strategies for engaging employees
  • Tips for executing the tactics in the book
  • Practical advice for minimizing the possibility of error
  • Warning signs for when things are about to go wrong
  • Examples of successful engagement tactics
  • Specific planning procedures, tactics, and hands-on techniques

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Manager’s Guide to Employee Engagement
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1. The Case for Employee Engagement
    1. Yesterday and Today
    2. Satisfaction Isn’t Enough: Survival vs. “Thrival”
    3. Engagement Defined
    4. The Bruno Effect
    5. What Engages Employees?
    6. Engagement Business Case—The Hard Facts
    7. Two Employee Engagement Myths
    8. High Attrition = Low Engagement × Poor Leadership
    9. Why Engage?
    10. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 1
  8. Chapter 2. Are You a Manager or a Leader? Becoming the “Best Boss Ever”
    1. Would Your Employees Drive Through a Blizzard for You?
    2. Manager vs. Leader
    3. “I Knew It Was Time to Leave When …”
    4. Two Views of Human Nature: Theory X and Theory Y
    5. Engagement Starts with “I Do”
    6. The Engagement Wheel: Awareness, Alignment, Action
    7. Becoming the “Best Boss Ever”
    8. W.H.I.P. Your Employees into Engagement
    9. Fostering Loyalty, Trust, and Hope
    10. Pay It Forward: Invest in Training
    11. The Importance of the Leader-Employee Relationship
    12. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 2
  9. Chapter 3. The ABCs of Engagement: Why People Do What They Do
    1. People Do What They Do Because …
    2. The ABC Model
    3. Antecedents: Leading the Horse to Water …
    4. The Top Engagement Antecedent: Defining Clear Expectations
    5. What Makes Consequences Effective?
    6. Two Consequences That Kill Engagement: Extinction and Punishment
    7. When Punishment Is in Order
    8. Using the ABCs Builds Trust
    9. Give ’Em a Reason to Engage! Positive and Negative Reinforcement
    10. The Discretionary Effort Advantage: Positive Reinforcement
    11. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 3
  10. Chapter 4. A Positive Culture Starts Here: Positive Thinking
    1. Finding Opportunity Amid Calamity
    2. A Case for Positivity
    3. Pragmatic vs. Positive
    4. “I’m Too Smart to Believe That It Matters to the End Results” Why Smarter Managers Embrace Positivity
    5. “I Can’t Change Who I Am … Or Can I?”
    6. Look in the Mirror: Are You a Positive “Super Model” Leader?
    7. 10 Activities to Increase Your Positive Thinking
    8. Safeguard Your Attitude with Boundaries
    9. Thinking Your Way into an Engaged Culture
    10. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 4
  11. Chapter 5. Empowering Employees to Act as Entrepreneurial Owners
    1. What If This Were Your Company?
    2. Replace Bureaucracy with Ownership
    3. The Entrepreneurial Advantage
    4. C.O.U.R.S.E.: The 6 Core Traits of an Entrepreneur
    5. Grant Appropriate Control and Autonomy
    6. What Does This Have to Do with Engagement?
    7. Empower Employees to Be Owners, Not Renters
    8. Ownership Is Like an “LTR”
    9. Fostering a Culture of Entrepreneurial Engagement
    10. Autonomy, Complexity, and an Effort-Reward Connection
    11. But What If They Leave—With All Their Creative Ideas? Handling the Fear of Talent Abandonment
    12. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 5
  12. Chapter 6. Aligning Employee and Organizational Values, Missions, and Goals
    1. What Values Are and Why They Matter to Engagement
    2. Revisit Your Values, Goals, and Mission Statements
    3. Brand Your Values
    4. Create Learning Maps to Get at the Mission
    5. Where Do Goals Fit In?
    6. Bringing the Employee into the Mission
    7. What If the Company’s Mission and the Employee’s Mission Don’t Align?
    8. Aligning to Goals by Getting Employees in on the Action
    9. Engaging Through Social Service
    10. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 6
  13. Chapter 7. Know Your Employees: Get PSST (Personal, Strengths-Based, Social, and Targeted)
    1. Get PSST!
    2. Passion and On-the-Job Performance
    3. Get Personal
    4. Get Strengths-Based
    5. What a Focus on Strengths Gets You
    6. Get Social
    7. Get Targeted
    8. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 7
  14. Chapter 8. Communication: The Art of Asking Others to Dance
    1. What Communication Is and Isn’t
    2. The Three I’s of Communication
    3. Communication Is Hard: Four Roadblocks to Effective Communication
    4. Cost of Communication: Even Good Communication Isn’t Cheap
    5. Engagement-Building Communication Tips
    6. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 8
  15. Chapter 9. Tickling the Engagement Bone: Stimulating Happiness with Humor, Fun, and Exercise at Work
    1. Discretionary Effort in Action
    2. The Engagement Bone
    3. People Don’t Quit Jobs That Provide Well-Being—Promoting Happiness at Work
    4. Are You Serious? A Scientific Case for Humor
    5. Humor and the Engagement Tie
    6. When Happiness Doesn’t Come Naturally—Using Humor and Fun as Survival Tools
    7. Strengthening Relationships Through Humor
    8. Why Managers Might Avoid Humor
    9. Ignite a Culture of Humor and Fun by Minding Your P’s
    10. Tricks and Tips for Promoting Fun
    11. Exercise as a Means of Fun and Relationship Building
    12. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 9
  16. Chapter 10. Tackling Barriers to Engagement
    1. What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)?
    2. The Goal: To Flourish
    3. Special Circumstance #1: My Boss Is a Barrier to Engagement
    4. Special Circumstance #2: Change Is Hindering Employee Engagement
    5. Special Circumstance #3: The Business Backdrop Hampers Engagement
    6. Special Circumstance #4: Engaging Remote Employees
    7. Special Circumstance #5: Engaging the Unengageable
    8. In Conclusion: Starting the Dance
    9. Manager’s Checklist for Chapter 10
  17. Index

Product information

  • Title: Manager's Guide to Employee Engagement
  • Author(s): Scott Carbonara
  • Release date: October 2012
  • Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN: 9780071799515