
Numbers in bold type indicate figures, tables and boxes.

accessibility 9, 34, 61, 95, 158; motorways 35; see also buses; cars; parking; public transport; railways

Action for Market Towns 5, 50, 52, 13940

Advantage West Midlands 110

affluence 9, 15, 201, 224, 30, 71, 91, 11819, 145, 151

affordable housing, and ageing population 14, 71, 110; in commuter towns 110, 114; importance of 117; and planning 879, 117; shortage of 2, 32, 38, 49, 7880, 82, 92, 103, 151; see also deprivation; house prices; in-migration

Affordable Rural Housing Commission 83, 86

ageing population 4, 13, 15, 1617, 18, 21, 145, 148; care 778; care homes 72, 78; and employment 106; government’s

ambivalence to 79; housing 25, 289, 36, 149; and immigration 34, ...

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