Rendering views

Having explored how controllers work in Phoenix, we'll now look at the next step: rendering views. A view is a module that contains rendering functions, whose purpose is to convert data to a format that end users will consume. Continuing the example we gave in the two previous sections, we'll look at files and how they're rendered in our application. We'll create a file view module, named ElixirDripWeb.FileView. Here's the code for it:

$ cat apps/elixir_drip_web/lib/elixir_drip_web/views/file_view.exdefmodule ElixirDripWeb.FileView do  use ElixirDripWeb, :view  def parent_directory(path) do    Path.dirname(path)  endend

First of all, the name we're giving to this module is important. As we've seen in the previous section, the file ...

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