Attributes of GD::Graph Objects

GD::Graph has several attributes that you can set to control the layout, color, and labels on your graph. Some of these attributes are applicable only to certain types of graphs; for example, the pie_height attribute should be set only for graphs of type GD::Graph::pie. These attributes are relegated to their own sections later in this chapter. The following section describes the attributes shared by all graphs.

Attributes of All Graphs


These attributes allow you to set the bottom, top, left, and right margins, respectively. The margin is defined as the blank space between the bounding box of the graph and the edge of the PNG graphic. The default margins are 0 pixels.


The dimensions of the final image, including margins.


If the transparent attribute is set to true, the background color (set with the bgclr attribute) is marked as transparent. The default value is true.


The interlaced attribute allows you to indicate whether the graph is stored as an interlaced PNG. The default value is true.


These attributes set the colors of the various aspects of the graph: the background, foreground, graph box, text, label, axis label, legend, value label, accent, and shadow colors, respectively. The colorname should be a valid GD::Graph color name (see the upcoming section Colors and Fonts in GD::Graph).


The dclrs (data colors) attribute controls the colors for the bars, lines, markers, or pie slices. The attribute should be given a reference to an array containing the desired set of color names. The first line/point/bar/slice is the color of the first element in the array, the second is the color of the second element, and so on. For example, if you set dclrs to the following array of color names:

$graph->set(dclrs => ['green', 'red', 'blue')]);

the first data set is green, the second is red, the third is blue, the fourth is green, the fifth red, and so on. That is, if you have more data sets than colors, colors are reused in order.

The default value is:

'lred', 'lgreen', 'lblue', 'lyellow', 'lpurple', 'cyan', 'lorange'
show_values=>boolean | array_ref

Set this attribute to a true value to draw the data value above each plotted data point. For greater control of the individual labels, you can assign this a reference to a data set, which is used for the corresponding value labels. Note that you may need to manually adjust the dimensions of the image to accommodate all data value labels. For example, set this attribute with some of the data at the beginning of this chapter:

$graph->set(show_values => 1 );

to produce the graph in Figure 4-6.

The show_values attribute forces each data point to be labeled
Figure 4-6. The show_values attribute forces each data point to be labeled

If the show_values attribute is true, this attribute indicates whether the labels should be drawn vertically rather than horizontally. The default is 0 (horizontal).


If the show_values attribute is true, this attribute specifies the amount of vertical space between the data point and the value label. The default value is 4 pixels.

values_format=> string | func_ref

If the show_values attribute is true, this attribute specifies a formatting template that should be used when drawing the value label. The template can be defined as a sprintf-style template string, or as a reference to a function that returns a properly formatted string given a data value.

Attributes of Graphs with Axes


If this attribute is true, the axes are drawn as a box rather than as two lines. The default is true.


If you have two data sets that you wish to plot against two axes on the same graph, you can set the two_axes attribute to a true value—the first data set is plotted against an axis to the left and the second set is plotted against the axis to the right. The default value is 0.


If zero_axis is set to true, an axis is always drawn at the y=0 line. If zero_axis_only is true, the zero axis is the only axis that is drawn, and all x-axis values are plotted on this axis. If both attributes are 0, all x values are plotted along the bottom border of the graph. The default value for both attributes is true.


If either of these attributes is set to 0, the values on the given axis are not printed. The tick marks are still plotted. The default value is true.

y_max_value=>float, y1_max_value=>float, y2_max_value=>float
y_min_value=>float, y1_min_value=>float, y2_min_value=>float

These values control the maximum and minimum values to be plotted on the y axis of a graph. Setting a value of y_min_value that is greater than the smallest value in the data set, or a value of y_max_value that is less than the greatest value within the data set, results in an error. For bar and area graphs, the range of points defined by these attributes must include 0. If it does not, the values are extended to include 0.

When plotting two data sets on two separate axes, use y1_min_value and y1_max_value to define the range of the left axis, and y2_min_value and y2_max_value to define the range of the right axis.

The default values are the minimum and maximum values of the data sets.


This attribute controls the number of ticks displayed on the x axis. By default, GD::Graph attempts to guess the optimal number of ticks based on the data. If undef, one tick is displayed for each data point.


Normally, the maximum values of the x axis are calculated from the data. This attribute allows you to set arbitrary maximum and minimum values.


This attribute specifies a formatting template that should be used when drawing the labels on the respective axis. The template can be defined as a sprintf-style template string, or as a reference to a function that returns a properly formatted string given a data value.


If x_label_skip is set to an integer greater than 1, then only those ticks numbered as multiples of x_label_skip are labeled on the graph. (A tick is the position where a value is labeled on an axis.) For example, a value of 2 causes every second tick to be labeled, 5 means every fifth should be labeled, etc. The same holds true for y_label_skip. The default value for both attributes is 1. Use the x_tick_offset attribute to specify the first x value that should be displayed. If x_all_ticks is true, a tick is drawn for every x value, regardless of whether the label is drawn.


This attribute controls how the individual labels are aligned to the tick on the x axis. The value is a fraction that indicates the point on the width of the label that should be aligned with the tick. If x_label_position is 0, the left margin of the label is aligned at the tick; a value of .5 means that the label is centered, and 1 means that it is right-aligned. The default value is .75.


This attribute controls how the individual labels are aligned to the tick on the y axis. The behavior is similar to that of x_label_position, except that if the value is 0 the label is bottom-aligned, and if it is 1 the label is top-aligned. The default value is .5.


If true, the labels on the x axis are drawn vertically. The default is 0.


If the long_ticks attribute is true, the graph’s ticks are all the same length as the axes, creating a grid across the graph. If long_ticks is 0, the ticks are as many pixels long as the value of the ticks_length attribute. The default value of long_ticks is 0, and of tick_length is 4.


If x_ticks is set to 0, the ticks on the x axis will not be drawn. The default value is true.


This attribute controls the number of ticks to be plotted on the y axis. Thus, the increment between ticks is (y_max_valuey_min_value) / y_ticks_number. The default value is 5.


This attribute controls the amount of space (in pixels) to be left between each axis and its corresponding text. The default value is 4 pixels.


This attribute indicates the amount of space that should be left between the axis and any textual labels related to that axis. The default value is 8 pixels.

Attributes of Bar Graphs


If this attribute is true, the width of the graph is adjusted so that each data point is drawn using an integral number of pixels. This is set to true by default.


The overwrite attribute controls the appearance of bar graphs with multiple data sets. The attribute may be set to one of the following values:


Bars of different data sets are drawn next to each other. (This is the default.)


Bars of different data sets are drawn in front of each other.


Bars of different data sets are drawn on top of each other (to show a cumulative effect). See Figure 4-7, left.


By default, the bar_spacing attribute and the dimensions of the graph are used to determine the width of each bar. If you want to specify a fixed size for the bars, use this attribute.


This attribute sets the amount of space between bars. The default value is 0. Note that this attribute is ignored if the bar_width attribute is defined.


Use this attribute to specify the direction and size of the shadow cast by each bar. Positive values indicate shadows to the right and down; negative values produce a shadow to the left and up. The default value is 0 (no shadow). See Figure 4-7, right.

A bar graph with overwrite set to 2 (left) and with a shadow depth of −5 (right)
Figure 4-7. A bar graph with overwrite set to 2 (left) and with a shadow depth of −5 (right)

This is a reference to a list of colors (like dclrs) that should be used to draw the “stroke” of the bar. One color should be specified for each data set.


Normally, all the bars of a given data set are drawn in the same color, which is determined by the list of colors in the dclrs list. If the cycle_clrs attribute is true, the bar for each data point (rather than for each data set) is drawn in the next color in the dclrs list.


If this attribute is true, bars of different data sets are drawn stacked on top of each other vertically (see also the overwrite attribute). This attribute also applies to area graphs.

Attributes of Graphs with Lines


This attribute lets you specify the styles of lines with which each data set should be plotted on the graph. The list of line types is a reference to an array of integers. The default value is [1], which means that all data sets are plotted as solid lines. You can choose from the following types:


Solid line


Dashed line


Dotted line


Dot-dashed line

To indicate that the first data set should be plotted as a dashed line, the second as a solid line, and the third as a dot-dashed line, set line_types with:

$graph->set(line_types => [2, 1, 4]);

This attribute controls the length of the dashes in the dashed line types. The default value is 6 pixels.


This attribute controls the width of the lines in the graph. The default value is 1 pixel.


In graphs with lines, undefined points are not plotted. However, by default a line is still drawn between the two points surrounding the undefined value, thus “implying” a value at that point. If skip_undef is true, this line is not drawn and a gap is left between the two points surrounding the undefined point.

Attributes of Graphs with Points


The markers attribute controls the order and styling of the point markers used to plot points in graphs of type points or linespoints. The attribute is set with a reference to an array of integers that correspond to the following marker types:


Filled square


Open square


Horizontal cross


Diagonal cross


Filled diamond


Open diamond


Filled circle


Open circle

The default value is [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], which means that the first set of data points is plotted with filled squares, the second with open squares, and so on.


This attribute controls the size of the point markers. The default is 4 pixels.

Attributes of Mixed Graphs


This attribute is a reference to a list of strings that describe the types of graphs that should be drawn for each data set. Acceptable values are area, bars, lines, linespoints, and points. Data sets that do not have a corresponding value in this list or that have an undefined value are plotted using the default type as defined by the default_type attribute.


The default graph type for data sets whose types are not specified by the types attribute. The default type is area.

Attributes of Pie Graphs


If the 3d attribute of a pie graph is set to true, it is drawn with a 3D look. The “thickness” of the pie chart is taken from the pie_height attribute. The default value of 3d is true.


This attribute sets the height of the graph if it is a 3D pie graph (i.e., if 3d is true). The default value for pie_height is 10% of the height of the total image.


This attribute gives the angle at which the first slice of a pie chart is plotted. The default starting angle is 0 degrees, which corresponds to 6 o’clock.


If a true value, pie slices with an angle less than this value are not labeled. The default value is 0, which means that labels are drawn.

Logos and Legends


You may associate a logo (a separate PNG file) for inclusion in the corner of a graph. This logo can be positioned and resized within the graph by setting the logo_position and logo_resize attributes. The value of position_code indicates one of the four corners of the graph with LL, LR, UL, or UR corresponding to the lower/upper left/right corners. The default position is LR (lower right corner). The logo_resize attribute should be expressed in multiples of the original logo size (i.e., 2 for 200%, .5 for 50%). For example, the following lines take the file mylogo.png, shrink it by 50%, and include it in the upper right corner of a previously defined graph named $graph:

$graph->set(logo          => 'mylogo.png',
            logo_resize   => .5,
            logo_position => 'UR',
            legend_placement=>'BL' );
legend_placement=>{ 'BL', 'BC', 'BR', 'RT', 'RC', or 'RB'}

This attribute controls placement of the legend within the graph image. The value is supplied as a two-letter string, where the first letter is placement (a B or an R for bottom or right, respectively) and the second is alignment (L, R, C, T, or B for left, right, center, top, or bottom, respectively). The default value is BC for center-aligned on the bottom of the graph. The legend is automatically wrapped, depending on its placement.


This attribute specifies the number of pixels in the blank margin around the legend. The default value is 4 pixels.


These attributes control the height and width of a legend marker in pixels. The default values are width=12 and height=8.


This attribute allows you to force a legend at the bottom of a graph into a specified number of columns. The default value is intelligently computed when the legend is plotted.

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