
• A •

accepting delivery of goods, 189190

Accountant Link wizard, 322324, 368369

accounting methods, for VAT, 279280

accounting principles

double-entry bookkeeping, 28

nominals, 2829

preparing reports, 2930


recording payments on, 100

sending to accountant, 323

setting up, 232233

accrual accounting, 257

accruals, adding up, 258260

activation, 23

Active Set-up wizard, 1017

active status, 212

actual costs, 209210, 220


accruals, 258260

attachments, 331


project costs, 213214

status, 213214

stock allocation, 208209

stock levels, 198

VAT codes, 293294

VAT schemes, 292297

adjustments, 217, 324

Aged Creditors report, 342343

Aged Debtors Analysis report, 339341


credit notes, 98100, 125

stock, 162, 170172, 207210

stock for quotes, 162

stock to orders, 170172

alphanumeric reference, 49

amending. See also corrections

Countries table, 229230

invoices, 160

order defaults, 160

orders, 190

resources, 215216

stock allocation, 171172

analysing project costs, 221224


posting, 263

writing down your, 262263


project status, 212213

stock, 171

assimilation threshold, 298


adding, 331

deleting, 332

audit trail

clearing, 272273

viewing, 310311

• B •

back order, putting cancelled orders on, 193


data, 81, 152154

scheduling, 154155

balance sheet, 29, 308310

balance sheet codes, 3335

bank accounts and banking

about, 129

creating accounts, 6162

deleting bank records, 6263

e-banking, 324330

with foreign ...

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