Chapter 10. Becoming an Authentic and Engaged Advertiser

In This Chapter

  • The frontier of display advertising: social ads

  • Appvertisements and how they can work for you

  • Making paid and earned media work together

  • SIM working with television and print media

In earlier chapters, I briefly touch on social advertising and how it can play an important role in your marketing efforts. I also allude to paid and earned media in the context of the different marketing opportunities on social platforms. I also introduce appvertising.

In this chapter, I go into each of those topics in significantly more detail, as knowing how they can help you achieve your SIM objectives is critical as you become a more authentic and engaged social media advertiser. But that's not all; it's also important to leverage SIM efforts with offline marketing efforts whether it be through television, print, or any other form of media. I discuss that, too, in this chapter.

Social Advertising: A Potential Online Advertising Game Changer

Online display advertising has been in a steady decline recently, with fewer people clicking and interacting with those advertisements everywhere. For the most part, the industry has responded by making the display advertisements more immersive with rollover states, forms, pull-down menus, expandable units, and streaming audio and video clips all built within them.

Those incremental innovations help grab users' attention and provide a decent return on investment (ROI) for the advertisers. But social ...

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