accountability, 130–131, 209, 301

priority setting and, 130–131

adaptation, 104

aggregate project planning, 135

“Agile Project Management: Principles and Tools” (Highsmith), 97, 98, 104–106

alignment, 134, 135–136

allies, 201

applications portfolio, 65–66, 70

managing, 82, 135

strategic value of, 77–78

architecture, 200–202

vendors and, 224–226

“Architecture Leadership and Stakeholders” (Nolan and Kolb), 200–202

assessment matrices, 221–223, 233

Austin, Robert D., 122

authentication, 284

authorization, 284

back-office systems, 87

blind variation, 265–267

blockers, 202

boards of directors, 141–152

communication with, 193–194

Boeing, 230–231

Bradley, Stephen P., 215–216

“The Broadband Explosion” (Austin and Bradley), 215–216

Brynjolfsson, ...

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