
Note: Page numbers with “f”and “b” denote figures and boxes, respectively.

Aestheticodes, 211, 211f
Airwriting system, 307b–308b, 308
Android, 114
Angst, 6–7
Apple, 2–3
Apps that bite back, 167
App selection, 247b–248b
Audio Gift system, 248b–250b
AudioCanvas system, 208, 209f, 409
Barcodes, 211, 213b
Ben’s origami model, 34f
Bits-out interaction, 42–43
Board games, 264b
Body awareness, 93
BodySpace prototype, 137, 138b, 139
BookMark system, 210, 212f, 213
Breaking glass, 39–43
BumpTop system, 196f
Careful information design, 163–166
Centaurs, 103–104
Charging handsets, 357–358
Chewing Jockey system, 52
Chop Chop prototype, 53
chaos, 182
digital clutter, 186–189
physical clutter, 182–184
cyborgs, 179b–181b
Collaborative interaction, 271
Collective interaction ...

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