stdDataFormats Object (VB6)


Contains a collection of stdDataFormat objects. For an overview of the data format object model, including the library reference needed to access it, see the Data Format Objects entry.



stdDataFormats Properties


Data Type: Long

The number of stdDataFormat objects held in the collection.


Data Type: stdDataFormat Object

Allows access to individual stdDataFormat objects in the collection. You can use either the For...Each...Next statement or the item's key to specify a member of the collection. For example:

Set oFormat = oStdDataFormats.Item("bool")

Since the Item property is the stdDataFormat object's default property, you call it implicitly like this:

Set oFormat = oStdDataFormats("bool")

stdDataFormats Methods


Adds a stdDataFormat object along with its optional variant key to the collection. For example:

oStdDataFormats.Add oFormat, "bool"


Removes all stdDataFormat objects from the collection.


Removes a particular stdDataFormat object from the collection. For example:

oStdDataFormats.Remove "bool"

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