Implementation Issues for Finance Best Practices

This section notes in Exhibit 11.1 the level of implementation difficulty that one can expect when installing the finance-related best practices in this chapter. Exhibit 11.1 describes the cost and duration of implementation for each best practice. Since most of the best practices are Internet-based, there is no up-front acquisition cost, which keeps the cost of implementation squarely in the “inexpensive” category. However, many of these services are fee-based or require extra fees for advanced services, so there will be incremental charges associated with their use.

Exhibit 11.1. Summary of Finance Best Practices
 Best PracticeCostInstall Time
Financing and Investment Activities
11–1Strategize cost of capital reductions

11–2Obtain financing through Internet lender sites

11–3Issue direct access notes

11–4Purchase debt directly from ...

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