© Neil Cameron 2019
Neil CameronArduino Appliedhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3960-5_10

10. Infrared Sensor

Neil Cameron1 
Edinburgh, UK
../images/471900_1_En_10_Chapter/471900_1_En_10_Figa_HTML.jpgInfrared (IR) remote controls operate devices, such as domestic appliances and office machinery, wirelessly by transmitting a signal consisting of pulses of infrared light. When a remote control button is pressed, the infrared sensor receives a signal, which is decoded to implement the appropriate action corresponding to the remote control button. For example, if the “power on” button signal has binary representation B011101, the pulsed infrared signal would be as shown in Figure 10-1. The infrared wavelength ...

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