© Neil Cameron 2019
Neil CameronArduino Appliedhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3960-5_11

11. Radio Frequency Identification

Neil Cameron1 
Edinburgh, UK

../images/471900_1_En_11_Chapter/471900_1_En_11_Figa_HTML.jpgRadio frequency identification, RFID, uses electromagnetic fields to transfer data wirelessly. Common uses of RFID are entry passes to secure sites, library book logging, or tracking component parts in a production process. Passive RFID tags consist only of an antenna and a microchip, whose shadow can be seen by holding an RFID card up to a light. Passive RFID tags are powered by the RFID reader’s electromagnetic field to receive messages from the RFID reader and transmit messages to the RFID ...

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