Adding the mergeAssets unit test

Let's add the content of this additional test case to the test/logic.js file:

 describe('MergeAssets()', () => { it('should change the value to ' + assetType + ' to 200', () => { const factory = businessNetworkConnection.getBusinessNetwork().getFactory(); // Create the asset 1 const asset1 = factory.newResource(namespace, assetType, 'ASSET_001'); asset1.value = 100; // Create the asset 2 const asset2 = factory.newResource(namespace, assetType, 'ASSET_002'); asset2.value = 100; // Create a transaction to change the asset's value property const mergeAssetTx = factory.newTransaction(namespace, 'MergeAssets'); mergeAssetTx.mergeFrom = factory.newRelationship(namespace, assetType, asset1.$identifier); mergeAssetTx ...

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