
This book was written as much for expert data scientists as it was for aspiring ones. Its content represents a new approach to doing data science — one that puts business vision and profitably at the heart of our work as data scientists.

Data science and artificial intelligence (AI, for short) have disrupted the business world so radically that it's nearly unrecognizable compared to what things were like just 10 or 15 years ago. The good news is that most of these changes have made everyone’s lives and businesses more efficient, more fun, and dramatically more interesting. The bad news is that if you don’t yet have at least a modicum of data science competence, your business and employment prospects are growing dimmer by the moment.

Since 2014, when this book was first written (throughout the first two editions), I have harped on this same point. Lots of people listened! So much has changed about data science over the years, however, that this book has needed two full rewrites since it was originally published. What changed? Well, to be honest, the math and scientific approach that underlie data science haven’t changed one bit. But over the years, with all the expansion of AI adoption across business and with the remarkable increase in the supply of data science workers, the data science landscape has seen a hundredfold increase in diversity with respect to what people and businesses are using data science to achieve.

The original idea behind this book when it was ...

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