Feel Good: How to Change Your Mood and Cope with Whatever Comes Your Way

Book description

A practical, inspirational guide to managing your moods, improving your outlook, and beating stress and anxiety

Feeling overwhelmed, overstressed, or just plain down about life? This book is the cure for what ails you. Mood can affect every aspect of your life, from your performance at work to your personal relationships, and being able to take control of your moods, rather than have them control you, is something all the most successful people have in common. Combining techniques from two powerful, complementary therapeutic approaches-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness-Feel Good is an everyday mood control book that can help you keep your spirits and your confidence high, and instill you with a more upbeat, positive, can-do attitude, come what may.

  • A source of inspiration for world-weary nine-to-fivers and an expert guide to beating stress and anxiety

  • Combines the latest research and proven techniques and practices from two powerful therapeutic approaches: CBT and Mindfulness

  • Packed with practical information on how to start feeling happier and more positive about life, and optimize how you deal with people and situations in life and at work

  • Designed for quick reference it lets you access practical information relevant to the mood you're in at the moment

  • Table of contents

    1. Cover
    2. Endorsements
    3. Title page
    4. Copyright page
    5. Dedication
    6. Foreword
    7. Preface
    8. Acknowledgements
    9. About the Authors
    10. Chapter 1: “How Are You?”
      1. Why do I experience moods?
      2. A bit about us
      3. Why do you need this book?
      4. Fundamental principles
      5. How you can use this book
      6. Using the “post-it” note technique
      7. Each chapter covers a different type of mood
      8. Myths around mood are harmful
      9. Starting to deal with mood issues begins with respect for yourself
      10. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may help
      11. A different way of thinking
      12. Moods impact on well-being and health
      13. This book aims to empower you
    11. Chapter 2: Challenge Your Thinking
      1. Your beliefs will affect your mood
      2. How to start the search for “why”
      3. Optimism will bring hope for your future
      4. Reasoning has benefits for clear thinking
      5. Your conclusions should rely on evidence
      6. Reasoning is also, unfortunately, prone to bias
      7. There are a host of other biases to avoid
      8. Science uses counterfactuals to explore “why”
      9. “Should” is a word with problems
      10. Evaluating your beliefs to help you to explore your “why” questions
      11. Improving your reasoning
    12. Chapter 3: Anger
      1. Signs of anger may be complex and difficult to recognize
      2. Anger becomes a problem when you do not manage it
      3. The five predictors of anger
      4. Men struggle dealing with their anger
      5. Women have more coping mechanisms
      6. Recognizing your anger
      7. Starting to deal with your anger
      8. But I don't get angry!
      9. Dealing with anger by looking for patterns and applying logic
      10. Using considered argument may work
      11. Successful mood management
      12. Be assertive and get your needs met
      13. Offering an explanation to someone does improve the outcome
      14. Dealing with another person's anger
    13. Chapter 4: Self-Efficacy
      1. Psychological changes can be explained through changes in self-efficacy
      2. Overall health and self-efficacy are linked
      3. Success in education and your professional life relies on self-efficacy
      4. You can make progress by using learning activities
      5. Seeing and hearing someone else succeed increases your self-efficacy
      6. Physiological states can improve a belief in yourself
      7. Relaxation as self-efficacy
      8. Improving your self-efficacy
    14. Chapter 5: Distress
      1. You feel a response to stress in your body
      2. These sensations are important for survival
      3. Your thoughts are critical to kick starting anxiety
      4. Anxiety and your interpretation of risk
      5. Your mind influences your distress
      6. Coping techniques can alleviate distress
      7. Other techniques will also alleviate distress
    15. Chapter 6: Unhappiness
      1. But why do I feel this way?
      2. Descriptive words are important
      3. Behavioural symptoms may define your unhappiness
      4. Unhappiness causes physiological symptoms
      5. Mood-related symptoms are common in unhappiness
      6. Unhappiness affects your thoughts or cognitive symptoms
      7. The power of thoughts which fit into your beliefs
      8. Negative beliefs often lead to the practice of failure
      9. Three common negative beliefs in people with low mood
      10. What keeps unhelpful beliefs going?
      11. Aim to change your negative thoughts to more realistic thoughts
    16. Chapter 7: Well-Being and Happiness
      1. “P” is for positive emotions which we all wish to experience
      2. “E” is for Engagement in something that gives enjoyment
      3. “R” is for Relationships which are critical to our state of well-being
      4. “M” is for Meaning which gives a larger purpose to life
      5. “A” is for Accomplishment whether it is big or small
      6. Well-being is more than just happiness
      7. Optimism influences a person's well-being
      8. Evaluate your life using the PERMA model at regular intervals
    17. Chapter 8: Self-Esteem
      1. Self-awareness is a useful skill
      2. Self-esteem can be improved both from external and internal influences
      3. Developing self-acceptance, both good and bad, will improve self-esteem
      4. The outcomes are up to you
      5. Self-assertiveness is implicit to your human rights
      6. Having purpose in your efforts improves self-esteem
      7. Personal integrity is consistency with your values
      8. Realistic thinking helps your self-esteem
      9. Healthy boundaries protect self-esteem
      10. Measuring improvements will allow you to keep track of progress
    18. Chapter 9: Leading a Balanced Lifestyle
      1. The phrase “work-life balance” hides a range of issues
      2. Controlling things you can change
      3. Develop your motivation for change
      4. Build an accurate view of you
      5. Pleasant event scheduling is designed to improve mood
      6. The importance of sleep is underestimated
      7. Strategies for developing better sleep to help well-being
      8. Regular schedules have a role to play in improving mood
      9. Yoga is a metaphor for balance
      10. How do I stay here?
    19. Chapter 10: Relaxation Techniques
      1. Relaxation is freedom
      2. There are rules for relaxation
      3. Mindfulness is not about emptying your mind
      4. Seeing things as they are helps you to establish insight
      5. With regular practice these techniques will bring rewards
    20. Chapter 11: Where to from Here?
      1. It is important to assess the progress that you have made
      2. You will need to “let go” of old habits
      3. Monitoring progress will help you to prevent relapse
      4. Once progress has been made it needs to be maintained
      5. Recognizing need is what keeps me going
    21. Afterword
    22. Bibliography and Further Reading
    23. Index

    Product information

    • Title: Feel Good: How to Change Your Mood and Cope with Whatever Comes Your Way
    • Author(s): Shane Pascoe, Graham Law
    • Release date: March 2014
    • Publisher(s): Capstone
    • ISBN: 9780857084521