
The Makefile for this part of the project looks like this:

GPP = g++ GCC = gcc MAKEDIR = mkdir -p RM = rm AR = ar ROOT = test/node OUTPUT = bmac_esp8266 OUTLIB = lib$(OUTPUT).a INCLUDE = -I $(ROOT)/ \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/ \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/network \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/network/Http \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/network/Http/Websocket \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/network/libmosquitto \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/network/libmosquitto/cpp \                -I $(ROOT)/SmingCore/wiring \                -I $(ROOT)/Libraries/BME280 \                -I $(ROOT)/esp8266/app FLAGS := $(INCLUDE) -g3 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ LIB := -L$(ROOT)/lib -l$(OUTPUT) -lmosquittopp -lmosquitto  -lnymphrpc \          -lPocoNet -lPocoUtil -lPocoFoundation -lPocoJSON -lstdc++fs \          -lssl -lcrypto LIB_WIN :=  -lws2_32 ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) ...

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