Chapter 11

Getting to Know HTML5 and CSS3

In This Chapter

arrow Looking over the most useful HTML5 features

arrow Learning how to use the new HTML5 page containers

arrow Understanding the new HTML5 multimedia tags

arrow Inputting data with the new HTML5 form input fields

arrow Reviewing the most useful CSS3 features

arrow Using the new CSS3 special effects

arrow Arranging things with CSS3 multicolumn layouts

Most of the millions of smartphones, iPads, and other tablets sold over the past few years support HTML5 and CSS3. As a result — as more time passes and they only get more pervasive — the lives of web designers get easier. Eventually we'll all be designing to these new standards and won't have to worry about which devices support what.

I've read several claims that HTML5 will do away with third-party animations, such as ...

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