

Ability testing, for recruitment, 74

Added value (AV), 3738

Ageing workforce, 8

Apple, 41, 113

Asymmetrical organizations, 5051


Bonus scheme, 7, 4344, 8992

Bradford formula, 31

Budgets, 8

Business process re-engineering, 6371, 121

calculating added value, 6668

creativity and innovation, 6566

identify process to be examined, 64

measure and map the process, 65

work flow management, 6971


Career development, 9

Cohort analysis, 102103

Competence, 2228

concept of, 22

definition of, 22

framework, 2325

organizational requirement of, 23

setting and measuring results, 26

team leader, 25

units and their relationship, 24

Creativity, role of, 1011

Critical thinking, 122


Dashboard, 3538

added value, 3738

key performance indicators ...

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