
A concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare> is a hash table that permits concurrent accesses. The table is a map from a key to a type T. The HashCompare traits type defines how to hash a key and how to compare two keys.

Example 5-4 builds a concurrent_hash_map in which the keys are strings and the corresponding data is the number of times each string occurs in the array Data.

Example 5-4. Concurrent hash map

#include "tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h" #include "tbb/blocked_range.h" #include "tbb/parallel_for.h" #include <string> using namespace tbb; using namespace std; // Structure that defines hashing and comparison operations for user's type. struct MyHashCompare { static size_t hash( const string& x ) { size_t h = 0; for( const char* s = x.c_str(); *s; ++s ) h = (h*17)^*s; return h; } //! True if strings are equal static bool equal( const string& x, const string& y ) { return x==y; } }; // A concurrent hash table that maps strings to ints. typedef concurrent_hash_map<string,int,MyHashCompare> StringTable; // Function object for counting occurrences of strings. struct Tally { StringTable& table; Tally( StringTable& table_ ) : table(table_) {} void operator()( const blocked_range<string*> range ) const { for( string* p=range.begin(); p!=range.end(); ++p ) { StringTable::accessor a; table.insert( a, *p ); a->second += 1; } } }; const size_t N = 1000000; string Data[N]; void CountOccurrences() { // Construct empty table. StringTable table; // Put occurrences into the table ...

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