
task Class — Base class for tasks.


#include "tbb/task.h"

class task;


This class is the base class for tasks. Programmers are expected to derive classes from it and override the virtual method task*task::execute().

Each instance of task has associated attributes, which are described in Table 9-3. Although

they are not directly visible, they must be understood to fully grasp how task objects are used.


Always allocate memory for task objects using the special overloaded new operators provided by the library. Otherwise, results are undefined. Destruction of a task is normally implicit.

Table 9-3. Task attributes




The worker thread that is currently in charge of the task.


Either NULL or the parent/continuation task that allocated this task.


The depth of the task in the task tree.


The number of tasks that have this as their parent. Increments and decrements of refcount must always be atomic.


The copy constructor and assignment operators for task are not accessible. This prevents the accidental copying of a task, which would be ill-defined and would corrupt internal data structures.


Some member descriptions illustrate the effects of running the methods by diagrams such as Figure 9-6.

Example effect diagram

Figure 9-6. Example effect diagram

Conventions in the diagram, such as Figure 9-6, are as follows:

  • Each task’s ...

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