
+ (addition), 2, 13

augmented assignment, 155

commutative property of, 169

\ (backslash), for escape characters, 41–42

: (colon), in for statements, 28–29

{} (curly brackets), for dictionaries, 113

/ (division), 2, 4, 246–247

augmented assignment, 156

" (double quotes), 42–43

= (equal sign), as assignment operator, 5, 34

== (equal to) operator, 32, 34

> (greater than) operator, 30, 32

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 32

# (hash mark), for comments, 18, 23

< (less than) operator, 30, 32

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 32

* (multiplication), 2

augmented assignment, 156

!= (not equal to) operator, 32, 36

() (parentheses), and order of operation, 4

>>> prompt, 5, 14

' (single quotes), 42–43

[] (square brackets), for indexes, ...

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