Processing the Action Body

So far, the tag files we’ve looked at ignore (or actually forbid) the body of the custom action element used to invoke them, but the body is often an important part of the equation. One example is a conditional custom action, such as a variation of the <c:if> JSTL action. It needs to process the body if the condition is true. Another example is a custom action that transforms the body in some way or simply uses it as input.

Let’s develop a custom action that transforms its body content. It first converts all characters that have special meaning in HTML and XML to the corresponding character entity codes (e.g., < to &lt;), and then converts special proprietary codes into HTML elements. A custom action like this can be used to process user input in an online forum to protect it against cross-site scripting attacks while still allowing for limited formatting of the messages. Here’s how you can use this custom action in a JSP page:

<%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="my" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/mytags" %>

<%-- Create test data --%>
<c:set var="message"> This is just a lot of text that the browser will format to fit the browser window. Attempts to <blink> add HTML elements are dealt with by conversion to character entities. [code] This part I want the browser to leave alone, so that all my indentations are left intact: public class Foo { public String getBar( ) { return bar; } } ...

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