Feature Packs and Add-Ons

Microsoft released Windows Server 2003 in April 2003 and subsequently has been developing extended functionality in the form of feature packs, some of which are free and some of which are available for a fee. These feature packs most likely will be integrated into the core Windows product at a later time, but for now you can pick and choose the feature packs you need. This section provides a brief overview of the available feature packs.

Note that in the body of this book, I have covered a portion of the available feature packs and I’ve noted that where the discussion of the product is given. The following list includes only feature packs which I haven’t discussed already. The other feature packs covered in the book include the following:

  • The Group Policy Management Console, discussed in Chapter 6

  • The Shadow Copy Client, covered in Chapter 3

  • Software Update Services, covered in Chapter 7


The URL for all Windows Server 2003 feature packs is http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/downloads/featurepacks/default.mspx.

Active Directory Application Mode

Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) is built specifically to address directory-enabled application scenarios. ADAM runs as a nonoperating-system service, and, as such, it does not require deployment on a domain controller. It is just a directory that answers requests from directory-aware applications—essentially, Active Directory without the hooks into Windows Server 2003. ADAM is not available for ...

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