Chapter 5
With a Little Help from Your Friends: Working with M&A Advisors
Noting advisors you need when buying or selling a company
Establishing effective communication with advisors
Ringo Starr nailed it. Well, actually John Lennon and Paul McCartney nailed it; Ringo just sang it. But it’s true: Everyone needs a little help from his or her friends, whether those friends are genius writers of timeless pop music or the lawyers, accountants, and business advisors who help you engage in M&A activity. This chapter helps you pinpoint those advisors and ensure strong communication.
Choosing Wisely: Identifying Ideal Advisors
Whether you’re a Buyer or Seller, successfully completing M&A transactions requires a skilled team of advisors who have negotiating experience, the right temperament to deal with many different personalities, and the willingness to listen to you whine and pout.
At the core, a deal is very simple: A Buyer gives a Seller money or some other store of value in exchange for a company. But a deal isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the personalities of the Buyer and Seller. Those personalities, along with the myriad motivations, needs, and wants on both sides that go hand in hand with putting together a deal, are what make completing a deal complicated. ...
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