Mobile Magic: The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design

Book description

A real-world guide to mobile marketing from the head of digital initiatives at Saatchi & Saatchi worldwide

The future of marketing is mobile, with seventy-five percent of the world's population having access to a mobile phone and the average American spending 82 minutes per day using her phone for activities other than talking. To traditional marketers unfamiliar with the special challenges of mobile marketing, this territory feels complicated and even frightening. Mobile Magic provides a bird's-eye view of the process of creating great mobile marketing from one of the world's most experienced and successful practitioners.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Foreword
  6. Introduction: Cannes Do
  7. Section 1: Knowing the Terrain
    1. Chapter 1: Living in the Screen Age: The Evolution and Opportunity of Mobile Marketing
      1. Days of Future’s Past
      2. The United States Plays Catch-Up
    2. Chapter 2: Why Go Mobile-First?
      1. Why? When? How?
      2. Apps vs. Mobile Web
      3. Your Real-Time Water Cooler
    3. Chapter 3: A Crash Course in Mobile Phones and What They Can Do
      1. Camera
      2. Microphone
      3. Accelerometer and Gyroscope
      4. Close-Range Transmission
      5. Processing Power
      6. Mobility
  8. Section 2: Understanding the Essentials
    1. Chapter 4: The Four Keys to Mobile Marketing Success
      1. Mobile
      2. Intimate
      3. Social
      4. Transactional
      5. The Three Ps
    2. Chapter 5: The Sweet Spot: Search and Social
      1. Search
      2. Social
      3. The Sweet Spot
      4. Dashboard Tools for Monitoring and Distribution: The Non-Mobile Part of Mobile
    3. Chapter 6: Marketer, Know Thyself (And Thy Audience)!
      1. Know Your Persona
      2. Know Your Voice
      3. Know Your Ecosystem
      4. Know Your Audience
      5. Know Why You’re There
    4. Chapter 7: Location, Location, Very Specific Location
      1. Do I Need a Location-Based Component to My App?
      2. Surprise and Delight
      3. A Short Radius Goes a Long Way
      4. Cumulative Location-Tracking
      5. The Creep Factor: When Location Goes Too Far
      6. Surprise and Delight vs. Creepy
  9. Section 3: Getting Going
    1. Chapter 8: How to Budget
      1. The Two Components of a Mobile Budget
      2. How Much Money Should I Plan to Spend on Mobile?
      3. Taking Inventory of Your Mobile Infrastructure
      4. Determining Your Budget: Rule of Thumb
      5. Complexity Equals Cost
      6. Budgeting for Staff
      7. Mobile Commerce and Budgeting for Immediate Returns
      8. Do Your Research
      9. Investing in Involvement
      10. Hidden Costs
      11. The Complexity Scale
      12. Budget for Success
      13. The Power of Love/Love Don’t Cost a Thing
    2. Chapter 9: Building Your Team
      1. The Research
      2. The Interviews
      3. The Selection
      4. Warning Signs
      5. So What Role Do I Play in This?
    3. Chapter 10: Interfacing with Design: What Production Looks Like from the Marketing Side
      1. The Success Metric
      2. Start with What You Know: The Style Guide
      3. Getting the Ball Rolling: The Brief
      4. Fingers, Not Eyes: User Flow Diagrams and Wire Frames
      5. Do What You Gotta Do
    4. Chapter 11: Making the Stuff: The Basics of Mobile Production
      1. Know Your Scale
      2. Production Part 1: Optimize that Website!
      3. Part 2: The Appropriate Next Step
      4. What Makes a Good App?
      5. Don’t Forget about Desktop!
      6. Text-Based Marketing
      7. Toward an Ethical Law-Abiding Mobile Effort
  10. Section 4: Being and Staying Attractive
    1. Chapter 12: Lovemarks: The Algorithm of Attraction
      1. Mystery: What’s the Story?
      2. Sensuality
      3. Intimacy
      4. Mobile Lovemarks: Lovemark-Ception
    2. Chapter 13: Communicating with Your Audience
      1. Keep It on the Straight and Narrow
      2. Don’t Trick People!
      3. Don’t Be Coy; Be Relevant
      4. Own Up to Your Mistakes
      5. Time to Shut It Down: Planned Obsolescence
      6. The Obsolescence Sine Curve
      7. Tell It Straight; Tell It Plain
    3. Chapter 14: Selling Everything Everywhere
      1. The Perpetual Path to Purchase
      2. Showrooming: Where Mobile and Real-World Butt Heads
      3. The Long and Winding Road
      4. Bring the Store to Them
  11. Section 5: Ensuring Success
    1. Chapter 15: The Finish Line: Legal Issues, Lack of Support, and Trying to Do Too Much
      1. Not Supporting Your Campaign
      2. Trying to Do Too Much
    2. Chapter 16: Measuring Success. Return on Investment Involvement: How to Define Success
      1. Investment vs. Involvement
      2. Defining the Success Metric
      3. Mobile Success as Part of the Larger Picture
      4. Finger on the Pulse
      5. Lovemarks
      6. Return on Involvement
    3. Chapter 17.1: Marketing: Lucky Charms’ Chase for the Charms Mobile App
    4. Chapter 17.2: Gentlemen, Start Your Smartphones: The Tori 500
    5. Chapter 17.3: Out of the Cold: Gillette Venus Sweden’s “Tag the Weather” Campaign
    6. Chapter 18: The Future
      1. The Language of Mobile
      2. The Internet of Things
      3. Augmented Everything
      4. Autonomous Autos
      5. Smart Advertising That Learns
      6. Divergence Theory: The Wild World of Mobile
  12. Acknowledgments
  13. Index

Product information

  • Title: Mobile Magic: The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design
  • Author(s): Tom Eslinger
  • Release date: February 2014
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781118828427