138 Patterns: Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services
8.1 WS-I sample business scenario
The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) has developed a supply
chain management business scenario that demonstrates the features, and tests
for compliance of the WS-I Basic Profile V1.0. The following documents describe
the WS-I sample business scenario and the technical solution overview:
򐂰 WS-I Supply Chain Management Use Cases V1.0
򐂰 WS-I Usage Scenarios V1.0
򐂰 WS-I Supply Chain Management Technical Architecture V1.0
For full details, see the Web Services Interoperability Organization Web site:
This WS-I sample business scenario is a simplified supply chain for a consumer
electronics retailer. The scenario consists of several Web service interfaces
(WSDL files) and a Web-based GUI. Each Web services engine provider wishing
to demonstrate the WS-I sample business scenario must provide an
implementation for the Web services interfaces.
IBM provides an implementation of the WS-I sample business scenario using
Web services implementations written in J2EE and which run in WebSphere
Application Server. Other Web service engine providers have created other
implementations, using other programming languages and application servers.
In this redbook we use a modified version of the IBM implementation of the WS-I
sample business scenario, the ITSO Good sample business scenario, to
demonstrate extended enterprise capabilities using SOA and Web services.
8.2 ITSO Good sample business scenario
In this redbook we use a fictional company called ITSO Good to demonstrate
design, development, and runtime considerations for extended enterprise
solutions. The ITSO Good sample is a modified version of the IBM
implementation of the WS-I sample business scenario. This section describes:
򐂰 The high-level business context of the sample business scenario
򐂰 How the supply chain works
򐂰 Screenshots from a run through of the ITSO Good sample application
Chapter 8. Business scenario used in this book 139
8.2.1 Business context
The ITSO Good enterprise provides a Web site which allows users to place
orders for electronic goods such as televisions, DVD players, and video cameras.
The ITSO Good supply chain management application handles the order of
these goods through a Retailer, the delivery of these goods through a
Warehouse, and the restocking of the Warehouse through a number of
Manufacturers. The Manufacturers are all external organizations to ITSO Good.
The users of the ITSO Good Web site are all internal ITSO Good employees.
The applications that make up the ITSO Good supply chain management
scenario are shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 High level business context of ITSO Good
8.2.2 Applications in the supply chain management
The supply chain management scenario works as follows:
򐂰 The
SCMSampleUI application provides a Web front-end for users to access
the ITSO Good supply chain management process.
򐂰 The
Retailer application can be used to retrieve a list of products sold by the
Retailer, and to place orders.
Manufacturer C
Manufacturer B
Manufacturer A
140 Patterns: Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services
򐂰 The Warehouse application ships product orders if the Warehouse has
sufficient stock.
򐂰 The
Manufacturer applications, three of those, replenish the Warehouse of
products if the Warehouse stock levels fall below a certain threshold. Each
Manufacturer produces different products, and all are external to the ITSO
Good organization.
򐂰 The
Logging Facility application records the status of orders as they pass
through the supply chain management scenario. This can be used to track the
progress of a given order.
8.2.3 Example of using the ITSO Good sample application
This section shows an implementation of the ITSO Good sample application
running in WebSphere Application Server. It shows the Web-based GUI and how
the supply chain management process works.
The first screen the user sees is shown in Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2 SCM Sample application
Chapter 8. Business scenario used in this book 141
To use the application. a user clicks Place New Order. This retrieves a list of all
the products that the Retailer application sells. This list of products is shown in
the Shopping Cart screen, as shown in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3 SCM Sample product listing
You can order multiple quantities of each product. If the Warehouse has sufficient
stock for the product, an order is placed.
If the placement of the order causes the Warehouse’s stock level of that product
to drop below a certain threshold, then a reorder request is sent to the external
Manufacturer of the product.
The Order Status screen, Figure 8-4 on page 142, shows which orders were
placed and which orders were not placed due to insufficient stock.

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