Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in Project Management
Abbreviation | Meaning | Usage |
ACC | Annual Capital Charge | Finance |
ACWP | Actual Cost of Work Performed | EVA |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution | Construct |
ANB | Adjudicator Nominating Body | Construct |
AoA | Activity on Arrow | CPA |
AoN | Activity on Node | CPA |
APM | Association for Project Management | PM |
ARM | Availability, Reliability, Maintainability | MOD |
BC | Business Case | PM |
BCWP | Budgeted Cost of Work Performed | EVA |
BCWS | Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled | EVA |
BoK | Body of Knowledge | PM |
BOQ | Bill of Quantities | Construct |
BS | British Standard | General |
BSI | British Standards Institution | General |
CAD | Computer Aided Design | General |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacture | General |
CAR | Contractor’s All Risk |
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