30Randić Energy of Some Graphs

S. K. Vaidya

Saurashtra University,Rajkot-360005,Gujarat(India).E-mail: samirkvaidya@yahoo.co.in

G. K. Rathod

V.V.P. Engineering College,Rajkot-360005,Gujarat(India).Email: gopalrathod852@gmail.com

Let di be the degrees of vertices vi, i = 1, 2, …, n of graph G; then the Randić matrix R(G) of graph G is an n × n matrix whose entries are given by rij=1/didj, if the vertices vi and vj are adjacent in G and 0 otherwise. The energy of the graph G is defined to be the sum of absolute values of eigenvalues of R(G). Here,we explore this concept for extended m-shadow, extended m-splitting, double cover and extended double cover of graph G.


Let G be a simple connected undirected graph with v1, v2, …, ...

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