
Note: Page numbers followed by “f”, “t”, and “b” refer to figures, tables, and boxes, respectively.


Absolute error, 108
Access control, 44–45, 44t, 45t
Accuracy, 337
Act on Prohibition of Unauthorized Access, 381
Act on Protection of Personal Information, 382
Active defense, 359
Address randomization technique, 50
Address resolution protocol (ARP), 229
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), 257–258
Adequate power, 240–241
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 47–48, 48
Advanced-persistent threat (APT), 184–185, 185, 220
Adversarial research challenge, 348–353
Adversary, 346–348, 353–356
challenge of adversarial research, 348–353
DoD cyber adversary tiers, 347f
integrating adversary models ...

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