Chapter 13

Showing Off Your Soft Skills to Prospective Employers


Bullet Assessing your career personality

Bullet Putting your best foot forward on your resume and in an interview

Hard skills demonstrate your aptitude — your ability to do the job. Soft skills demonstrate your attitude — your ability to work with others and grow within a company. Soft skills not only make the hard skills work but also take the hard skills to work because more and more employers are hiring for attitude and training for aptitude. Listing soft skills on your resume and demonstrating them in the interview give potential employers a better idea of the kind of person you are and the kind of employee you can be one day.

In this chapter, I explain how to best present yourself to prospective employers on paper. I also cover how to demonstrate your soft skills when you have the opportunity to for an in-person interview.

Preparing to Get a Job that Fits You

Before you put your soft skills to work to help you get — and keep — the job of your dreams, you should consider exactly what that dream job may look like. Being aware of your career path personality makes your job search much easier and more individually directed.

The RIASEC model, also known as the Holland Code, determines your career personality ...

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