Alternative hypothesis (H1), 323, 324
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 560
completely randomized design, 560
graphical diagnostics and displays with, 577–579
hand calculation of, 566
randomized block experiments, 579–581
simultaneous confidence intervals, 572–576
Bell-shaped distributions, 55. See also Normal distributions
Best fit line, 108
Best fitting regression line, 459
Best fitting straight line, 459
Binomial distributions, 202–209
mean of, 208
normal approximation to, 252–255
Poisson approximation to, 219
standard deviation of, 208
Binomial random variable, 202
Binomial table, 206
Bivariate data, 85
Blind trials, 92
Block sum of squares, 583
Boundaries, class, 32
Pearson's χ2 test for goodness of fit, 531–534, 539, 550
Causal variables, 452
Causation, correlation and, 101
Cause-and-effect diagram, 17–18
Cell frequency, 32
on control charts, 65
Central limit theorem, 285–289
χ2 test of homogeneity, 536–544
χ2 test of independence, 546–550
Chi-square (χ2) distribution, 375–377
with n–1 degrees of freedom, 376
Chi-square (χ2) statistic, 532, 539, 550
properties, 534
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