- A = C model of reality, 115–116, 116
- action
- adventure, 8, 172
- adversity, handling, 69
- airplane mode, for cell phones, 117
- The Alchemist (Coehlo), 52
- alignment, for business leap, 141, 142
- alternative histories, 37
- amygdala, 50
- anger, reacting to, 69–70
- Apple, 38, 64
- aspiration, 65
- attention span, 116–117
- avoidance, overcoming, 190
- baggage, 205
- Baker, Tommy
- Baraj, Karan, 77–78
- Baumgartner, Felix, 3–4, 45, 52, 63, 121, 245
- beginner skills, identifying, 97
- behavioral change, 85–86
- Be in the Right Environments (Risk Pillar 3), 53–54
- beliefs
- belonging, sense of, 201
- “be more to do more” model, 180–181
- Bilyeu, Tom, 150–151
- brain
- breakthrough, 228–229
- break-ups (romantic)
- breathwork, 191
- Brown, Brené, 206
- Bruno, Giordano, 47–48, 55
- Buffett, Warren, 140
- Burning Man, 178–180
- business leap, 139–162
- Campbell, ...
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