CHAPTER 5Playbook for Phase 3 – Cycle Coaching

MY FATHER, MARIO LAMORTE, was a master elementary schoolteacher. In his freewriting exercise, he provided simple instructions: write down whatever is on your mind while keeping your pencil moving for 10 minutes. One gloomy student approached him with a sad look and complained, “I can't think of anything to write – it's frustrating to see the other kids writing so fast.” My father replied, “Perfect! Write down exactly what you just told me. You're off to a great start.” The student returned to her desk and started writing. While Mario's freewriting workshop generated enthusiasm, the real work was just beginning.

My father took the journals home to read over the weekend and inserted personal notes, questions, and encouraging comments. He created an ongoing dialog and collaborative relationship with each student. His approach to teaching writing informs my approach to OKRs coaching.

The training described in Chapter 4 generates enthusiasm. If you are an OKRs trainer, you might simply deliver training and move on to your next project. But you are not a trainer. You are a coach.

Like my father with his students, you know the workshop is just the beginning of an ongoing collaboration. You provide ...

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