24Maggie Ligon
“Build on your existing strengths and add some computer hacking skills to help you get your foot in the door.”
Twitter: @doratexplorer17
Maggie Ligon exercises her passion for security as a pentester at a fast-paced consulting firm, performing assessments of wireless, network, web, and physical environments. She specializes in web app tests and architecting reporting tools and techniques for her team to maximize writing efficiency while also producing high-quality, useful reports. After hours she can be found drawing, looking for dogs to befriend, and enjoying time with her friends and family.
How did you get your start on a red team?
After pentesting on internal teams for a few years, I decided it was time to take on a new challenge and started applying. I got a few callbacks from online applications, but what actually worked the best was going to InfoSec meetings and meeting people, which introduced me to teams I didn’t even know existed.
What is the best way to get a red team job?
If you’re starting from an InfoSec position, I’d recommend looking into consulting companies that offer red teaming as a service and really huge companies that can afford their own internal red teams. Additionally, I highly recommend visiting your local InfoSec groups; someone is always hiring or has their ear to the ground and can point you in the right direction.
One of the ...
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