@font-face. A cascading style sheet (CSS) rule that allows fonts from a third-party website to be viewed with a user's browser, allowing designers to select fonts that may not be widely available.

ABA form. A design principle of form interrelationships, involving repetition and contrast.

Accents. Small marks over, under, or through a letterform, indicating specific punctuation or changes in stress.

Agate. A vertical unit used to measure space in newspaper columns, originally 5 1/2-point type. Fourteen agate lines equal approximately one inch.

Alignment. Precise arrangement of letterforms upon an imaginary horizontal or vertical line.

Alphabet length. Horizontal measure of the lowercase alphabet in a type font, used to approximate the horizontal measure of type set in that font.

Ampersand. A typographic character (&) representing the word and.

Antialiasing. The blurring of a jagged line or edge on a screen to give the appearance of a smooth line.

App. Abbreviation for mobile application. A self-contained program designed for mobile phones, tablets, and some computers that performs a specific task assigned by its developer.

Application program. Computer software used to create and modify documents.

Ascender. A stroke on a lowercase letter that rises above the meanline.

Aspect ratio. The ratio of an image, screen, or other medium's height to its width. Images will become distorted if forced into a different aspect ratio during enlargement, reduction, or transfers.

Auto-flow. ...

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