Appendix: Some SCA Commands
In this appendix, we give the SCA commands used in Section 2.9. The 1-year maturity interest rates are in the file w-gs1yr.txt and the 3-year rates are in the file w-gs3yr.txt.
-- load the data into SCA, denote the data by rate1 and rate3.
input year,mom,day,rate1. file ‘w-gs1yr.txt’
input year,mon,day,rate3. file ‘w-gs3yr.txt’
-- specify a simple linear regression model.
tsm m1. model rate3=b0+(b1)rate1+noise.
-- estimate the specified model and store residual in r1.
estim m1. hold resi(r1).
-- compute 10 lags of residual acf.
acf r1. maxl 10.
-- difference the two series, denote the new series by c1t
and c3t
diff old rate1,rate3. new c1t, c3t. compress.
-- specify a linear regression model for the differenced data
tsm m2. model c3t=h0+(h1)c1t+noise.
-- estimation
estim m2. hold resi(r2).
-- compute residual acf.
acf r2. maxl 10.
-- specify a regression model with time series errors.
tsm m3. model c3t=g0+(g1)c1t+(1)noise.
-- estimate the model using the exact likelihood method.
estim m3. method exact. hold resi(r3).
-- compute residual acf.
acf r3. maxl 10.
-- refine the model to include more MA lags.
tsm m4. model c3t=g0+(g1)c1t+(1,4,6,7)noise.
-- estimation
estim m4. method exact. hold resi(r4).
-- compute residual acf.
acf r4. maxl 10.
-- exit SCA
If not specifically specified, use 5% significance level to draw conclusions in the exercises.
2.1 Suppose that the simple return of a monthly bond index follows the MA(1) model ...
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