Text and Lists

In This Chapter

arrow Working with basic blocks of text

arrow Manipulating text blocks

arrow Creating bulleted, numbered, and definition lists

HTML documents include text, images, multimedia files, links, and other bits of content that you mold into a web page by using markup elements and attributes. You use blocks of text to create such things as headings, paragraphs, and lists. The first step in creating a solid HTML document is laying a firm foundation to establish the document’s structure.

Formatting Text

Here’s an ultratechnical definition of a block of text: some chunk of content that fills one or more lines inside an HTML element.

In fact, any HTML page is a collection of blocks of text:

check.png Every bit of content on your page must be part of some block element.

check.png Block elements usually end with a line break when rendered in a web browser.

check.png Every block element sits inside the <body> ...

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