Specificity: Which Style Wins
The previous example is pretty straightforward. But what if the three styles listed in Section 5.1.4 each had a different font specified for the font-family property? Which of the three fonts would a Web browser pay attention to?
As you know if you've been reading carefully so far, the cascade provides a set of rules that helps a Web browser sort out any property conflicts; namely, properties from the most specific style win. But as with the styles listed in Section 5.1.4, sometimes it's not clear which style is most specific. Thankfully, CSS provides a formula for determining a style's specificity that's based on a value assigned to the style's selector—a tag selector, class selector, ID selector, and so on. Here's how the system works:
A tag selector is worth 1 point.
A class selector is worth 10 points.
An ID selector is worth 100 points.
An inline style (Section 2.5.1) is worth 1000 points.
The bigger the number, the greater the specificity. So say you create the following three styles:
a tag style for the <img> tag ( specificity = 1)
a class style named .highlight (specificity = 10)
an ID style named #logo (specificity = 100)
Then, say your Web page has this HTML: <img id="logo" class="highlight" src="logo.gif" />. If you define the same property—such as the border property—in all three styles, then the value from the ID style (#logo) always wins out.
A pseudo-element (like :first-child for example) is treated like a tag selector and is worth 1 point. ...
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